Despite being such a ubiquitous cultural artifact for much of world history, dolls were curiously absent from art of the 20th century, with the notable exception of the German surrealist Hans Bellmer (1902-75). Inspired by Offenbach's opera The Tales of Hoffman, which centers on the title character's love for an automaton named Olympia, Bellmer created his first doll in the early 1930s. more...
Manga Unlimited: Tokyo's Comic Market
Lucy Birmingham
Delve into the world of Japanese pop culture and you're bound to hit upon a gold mine of creativity -- and nowhere more so than at Comic Market, or Comiket for short. With over half a million attending the three-day event every August and December, it's arguably the world's largest gathering of manga fans. more...
"Between Music and Art": A Curatorial No-Man's Land?
Alan Gleason
Once again we are confronted with one of those no-win (or win-win?) dichotomies so loved by critics: music/art, which ranks right up there with light/dark and life/death as a handy polarity to pontificate upon in art reviews of late. With so many contemporary artists mining the multimedia vein, the differences and similarities between music and visual art are a popular talking point nowadays. more...