In the Little Playground: Nobuya Hitsuda and His Students |
Jeffrey Rosen |
"In the Little Playground: Hitsuda Nobuya and his surrounding students" is a set of dual concurrent exhibitions at the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art and the Nagoya City Art Museum focusing on the work of artist and teacher Nobuya Hitsuda (b.1941) and his students, many of whom remain active as professional artists. more...
Contemporary Japanese Architecture:
As Seen from Abroad (As Imagined from Within) |
Nicolai Kruger |
In conjunction with the release of GA Japan magazine's 100th issue is an exhibition entitled "Contemporary Japanese Architecture Seen from Abroad" at the GA Gallery in Sendagaya, Tokyo. GA is the ubiquitous Japanese publisher of hefty magazines, quarterlies and retrospective volumes on architecture and interior design. more... |
Every Picture Tells a Story: The Chihiro Art Museum
Alan Gleason |
In certain countries more than others, the children's picture book seems to have been embraced as a medium for serious artists. This is especially true in eastern Europe, where Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia have spawned some of the world's finest picture-book art. Japan is another country where children's books contain art that appeals to kids of all ages, much of it downright wild and crazy, by such masters of the genre as Koji Suzuki, Taro Gomi, and Yosuke Inoue, to name but a few. more... |