Artists Step Up: Art Charities for the Tohoku Disaster |
Lucy Birmingham |
When times are tough, artists are always there to help, regardless of their own limited finances. The March 11 super-quake, tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan's northeast Tohoku region is proving this true once again. Japan-based artists and art groups are rising to the occasion with events, auctions and long-term efforts to lend a helping hand to those in need. more...
Mono-Kuro: The Work of Takehiko Higuchi |
Nicolai Kruger |
The extensive, travertine-clad Hiratsuka Museum of Art is an unexpected treasure to be found in the bedroom community of Hiratsuka. Located on the Shonan coast about an hour's train ride south of Tokyo and a twenty-minute walk from JR Hiratsuka station, the museum makes a nice lunch stop on the way from Tokyo to Izu. more... |
From Edo to Boston to Tokyo: The MFA's Ukiyo-e Trove at the Yamatane Museum |
Alan Gleason |
Such was the force of the Tohoku Earthquake of March 11 that it buckled the ground in parts of Tokyo, 400 kilometers from the epicenter. Though buildings did not collapse in the capital, many museums and galleries closed temporarily while they checked the safety of their structures and collections. more... |