Inflated with the Spirit: Shiro Takahashi and the Kojiki |
Jennifer Pastore |
The Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki marked its 20th year in 2019. On the way to this museum nestled in the wooded Ikuta Ryokuchi Park, just across the Tama River from Tokyo, my taxi driver tells me it is popular with visitors from the Osaka area, home to Okamoto's landmark public sculpture Tower of the Sun. Okamoto (1911-1996), who made a name for himself across Japan as a major postwar artist, was born in Kawasaki. The museum holds both permanent and special exhibitions, the first relating his life story, philosophy, and artistic achievements, which ranged from ethnological research on Japan's prehistoric cultures to avant-garde painting and sculpture. Okamoto became sort of a cultural phenomenon in his own right, popularizing the phrase "Art is explosion!" The current special exhibition, Shiro Takahashi and the Kojiki: Mythology, Art, Technology, fits with the museum's history of spotlighting contemporary artists who channel his ethos. more...