Since Nadja 僕の私的回想のナジャ — Night in Shinjuku late ’60s to ’70s


2025年3月1日(土) – 4月13日(日) 12:00-18:00 月曜休
丘の上APT/兒嶋画廊(東京都国分寺市泉町1-5-16) 042-207-7918
オープニングパーティー 3月1日(土) 17:00-19:00

“Since Nadja”My Personal Recollections — Night in Shinjuku late ’60s to ’70s

This exhibition will feature artists from the late ’60s to ’70s, reflecting the spirit of the time when cultural figures inspired each other, leading the scene.

In my early twenties, I saw the figures of cool adults in the nightlife of Shinjuku. There were corporate workers, painters, sculptors, architects, theater practitioners, musicians, photographers, writers, poets, manga artists, and filmmakers. These were the people who led the era and shaped the following one.
The chaos that still held power at the time.

1st March – 13th April, 2025
Open : Tuesday to Sunday 12:00-18:00
Gallery Kojima (1-5-16 Izumicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0024) >>>Map
10min walk from Kokubunji station
Contact : +81-42-207-7918