Legendary ceramics patron Tomo Kikuchi (1923-2016) passed away last summer at the ripe age of 93, but her impactful legacy lives on. Not just in the hearts of her many admirers and the artists she supported, but in exhibitions of her remarkable collection of nearly 1,000 contemporary ceramic works and an untold number of paintings and antiques. more...
Exploring a Treasure Trove of Architectural Models at the Archi-Depot Museum
James Lambiasi
I believe we all appreciate the invaluable role of museum institutions in preserving knowledge of art and culture and disseminating it to the public. As the modern concept of "museum" has evolved, I can only imagine the excitement a Florentine commoner in 1765 might have felt when the great Medici art collection stored in the Uffizi was officially open for public viewing. more...
Gateway to the Continent: The Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
Alan Gleason
In Japan, Asia often seems to be regarded the way many Britishers view Europe -- as a separate entity across the water. However the island nation chooses to define its relationship to the continent, though, there's no denying the intimate and complicated historical and cultural ties between them. Therefore it's a bit surprising to learn that there is only one museum in Japan devoted to "Asian art": the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (FAAM). more...