YOKOTA TOKYO では「河口龍夫 - 闇」展を開催いたします。
1968年に開催した『DARK』展 (村松画廊、東京)に始まり、河口は「闇」という概念と長年にわたって取り組んできました。”見る”ことも”触る”こともできない闇は、見えざる関係-現象・観念を問う制作を続けてきた作家にとって、重要な意味を持っています。
ギャラリーでは、河口の制作の根幹をなす”時間”や”関係"というテーマを『時間の質 あるいは関係-時間』(2018)、または『関係』(2022)といった継続的な展覧会で取り上げてまいりました。今回は、作家が取り組んできた「闇」に焦点を当て、新作からなる展覧会を行います。

日時|2月21日(金) 13:30–15:30(13:00開場/参加費無料)



1970「東京ビエンナーレ1970 人間と物質」東京都美術館 京都市美術館
2007「河口龍夫 見えないものと見えるもの」 兵庫県立美術館 名古屋市美術館同時期開催
2008 第15回日本現代藝術振興賞受賞
2009「河口龍夫展 言葉・時間・生命」 東京国立近代美術館
2016 「河口龍夫 時間の位置」川口市立アートギャラリー・アトリア
2017 第58回毎日芸術賞受賞
2018「河口龍夫―ちのこうや―」黒部市美術館 など


YOKOTA TOKYO is pleased to present “Tatsuo Kawaguchi – DARK”
Since his groundbreaking exhibition entitled “DARK” at Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo, in 1968, Kawaguchi has been engaged with the concept of darkness (yami) for long years. The intangible and unseeable qualities of darkness have critical meanings for the artist who has been exploring the seemingly invisible relationships, phenomena, and ideas through making art works.
YOKOTA TOKYO have continuously examined the fundamental concepts of Kawaguchi’s works—time and relation—through exhibitions such as “The Quality of Time, or Relation-Time” (2018) and “Relation” (2022). This time, we focus on “DARK”, presenting a new body of works that continues his inquiry into the unseen.
 In conjunction with the exhibition, we will publish the catalogue Fragments on Dark and host an artist talk, “On Dark: Fragments” (February 21, 13:30–15:30).

About Tatsuo Kawaguchi (b. 1940, Kobe, Japan)
Graduating from Tama Art University in 1962, Kawaguchi first gained recognition as a founding member of Group “i(pronounced as ee)” in 1965. Following his early engagements with group activities and painting creation, he has spent over five decades exploring the theme of “relation.”In his practice, every phenomenon is defined by its relations—light and darkness, natural phenomena, the individual and society, history and the present moment. Using materials such as metal, cloth, wood, paper, and organic matter, he visualizesthese relationships, prompting us to reconsider the boundaries between the seen and unseen, and to question the meanings ofincomprehensive phenomena, ideas, and existence.
Alongside his long artistic career, Kawaguchi has been a dedicated educator, serving as a professor at several institutions, including Tsukuba University, where he is now Professor Emeritus.